...and it begins with the acknowledgment of imbalance. Yes, that's correct. Sometimes a person can gain energy and motivation by simply being honest that something just isn't right. Simple acknowledgement that things are "off" can cause a person to pray, seek counsel, and even start reading a new book.
I admit it. I haven't read much of anything in four weeks. And when I catch myself not reading, it means that I am not resting. If I am not resting, then I am not having meaningful conversations with my family and friends. If I am not working on those relationships then life becomes dull and "have to" oriented.
Several months ago I was running, working out, reading, praying, eating right, and maintaining meaningful times with family. And then suddenly it just got away from me. The floatation devices that make life truly special suddenly became water logged and they all became part of the problem. I didn't sleep last night and that didn't help my attitude.
But at least I am realizing it before I begin to feel the soggy mire of monotony. Tomorrow I will resume reading The Sun Also Rises. I will coach my son's t-ball team with joy because I am investing in his life. I will watch something on TV that is stupid and will make my wife and I laugh. I will run tomorrow evening if I kills me and then upload it in order to make my Nike Ipod woman happy. (She has been wondering where I am lately)
Gaining balance can be seen as mushy, soft, and even lazy to some. I can understand that. We as Americans are supposed to be busy and always accomplishing something. But I don't find that in the New Testament. Taking care of mind, body, and spirit rings a bell. And Jesus said it. I doubt he ran in the evenings but I man who has no where to lay his head at night probably doesn't need to invest in endurance running. It's time to ask yourself, "When is the last time you lost yourself in something?" "Are you eating the right kind of things?" Not because of the old, tired temple of God reason, but because it will make you live longer and give you the energy to do the kind of stuff listed above. "When and what was the last book you read?" Comic books do not count. "Have you prayed while doing the mundane things of life?" Folding clothes and cooking can be spiritual also!!! After all, you are helping your family be a clean, healthy place for community. "Have you tried a new hobby or interest?" Pick up a book on photography or border collies. Who knows, you may have an interest to take a picture of a dog but you won't know how because you haven't been reading......OK, that was dumb. But you get the picture. ha. I didn't mean to do that. And all these puns from a guy who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Amen. That's my favorite blog yet.
thanks for the comment.
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